Friday, February 27, 2009

Free lesson plans, homework help and professional development for teachers, students and parents | Verizon Thinkfinity

Free lesson plans, homework help and professional development for teachers, students and parents | Verizon Thinkfinity: "FREE educational resources for everyone"

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Home

Employers feel that to-day's graduates' of universities, two-year colleges, and high schools' are deficient in "applied skills" such as critical thinking, problem solving, written communications, leadership, and professionalism. An organization called The Partnership for 21st-Century Skills found as much in a 2006 study, "Are They Really Ready to Work?" The study identifies which skills students lack and how important those skills are today and in the near future
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Home

Images: Zooming in on photo editing tools | TechRepublic Photo Gallery

Online photo editing services are more and more popular and feature packed. Stand alone tools are expensive. Here's a roundup of interesting and useful online photo editing tools that teachers and their students can use.

"While most photographs are rectangular, the tools we use to edit them come in all manner of shapes and sizes. We've looked at more than a dozen different online services that let you edit your photos and capture what each one of them looks like so you can get a preview before you dive in.

To see how they stack up against each other, click here for a complete comparison chart."

Images: Zooming in on photo editing tools | TechRepublic Photo Gallery