Technology in Education
We set up this blog a while ago when we were teaching a multimedia in education course at UWI. This is the blog that I put together for the students to ask questions and learn new stuff. Now I am teaching EdTech at the University of Trinidad and Tobago, so have reactivated the blog!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - Royalty free sound effects
Blogging is the new persuasive essay
The comments are extremely informative.
Sunday, June 05, 2011 - digital collection website
Free for All: National Academies Press Puts All 4,000 Books Online at No Charge - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Free Graphics Store
"Free" is the most overused word on the Internet, but in this case, the Free Graphics Store really does mean it. This Web tool delivers exactly what it advertises: free graphics.
The site offers a huge list of free graphics that you can use for your website design. For example, you can choose 15 Everyday Objects, 18 Assorted Graphics, 48 Bullets, Animations, Icons, Backgrounds, Tiled Backgrounds. That's just a small sampling; the list goes on and on.
Now is the site really free? Where can you use these graphics, and are there any restrictions? It says you’re free to use them on private or commercial sites. You can’t resell them, you can’t claim them as yours, and you can’t copy their pages. You just have to download the items you wanSunday, October 17, 2010
An Easy Way to Introduce Inkscape Drawing Program to Youth and Adults
Inkscape is a fun, free and very powerful vector drawing program that runs on all major computer platforms: Linux, Macintosh and Windows. This program can give you endless hours of enjoyment, even if you're not an artist. And if you develop mastery of using Inkscape, someone wants to pay you money to create graphics for them.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Welcome to Aviary
This is a really great site of tools - almost everything that you need to make multimedia in the classroom, all free and online!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Stock Footage for Free
I found this very cool blog post (excerpted below) that speaks to a point that I have been working on recently. As students start developing their own materials in class, they will not be required to really produce everything from scratch. One of the major problems is that if they cannot find suitable material that is available for use under fair use or other copyright regimes (creative commons, royalty free, etc), they will use any materials that they can access on the Internet. Therefore we need to have at hand a wide range of locations where students can access legal material to use in their class projects. That's why this post was so useful, even though it was designed for small business and not specifically for education.
Stock Footage for Free
If you produce projects that include video, one Web tool that you must know about is StockFootageforFree. Here you’ll find both standard definition and high definition NTSC video that’s been shot exclusively for StockFootageforFree, and it’s been made available royalty-free. That means that you can not only download and use these clips for free, you can even use them in commercials.
There are a few legal caveats to be aware of, so be sure to read the end-user license agreement to make sure you’re staying on the up-and-up. For example, you can’t re-sell this stock footage as your own; you can’t use it in trademarks, and they retain ownership of the footage. However once you become a registered member, you can download these clips and use them pretty much any way that you want.
Registration is free, and it’s very easy. Simply provide them with a user name that you’ll use to log into the website, your email address and your first and last name. As a registered member, you have access to clips in a whole bunch of different categories like animals out in the wild; beaches, the waterfront, lakes, yachts, ships; construction and energy. There are some clips dealing with oil refineries and construction.
The site has a special category for high definition clips, so if you only produce high-definition video you would want to limit yourself to that category. Other categories include the holidays, mansions and wealth -- which is really useful if you’re an entrepreneur and you’re trying to convey a feeling of wealth and wealth-building -- sports, time-lapse photography, specific U.S. cities and transportation.
The site covers a lot of different categories and offers a lot of different standard and high-definition stock footage. It’s all available for free to use in your video projects. It's a great resource.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Microsoft's Web-based Office goes live
- it's Microsoft, so those of my students who totally refuse to consider anything not from Redmond can finally get into the collaborative writing assignments I want them to do
- It comes with 25GB of storage! That is massive. And cool.
- It works like a stripped down Office application, so most people should know how to use it. (Given that 99% of the world uses Office... :( )
- It connects with the off-line MS Office you spent all that money on, so you can use both seamlessly.
- It's free. Did I not mention that earlier? Oops... yes, it's free, so many students can use it once they are connected. You don't NEED the expensive desktop applications to use it. It stands on its own, kind of like... Google Docs!
- It works with all browsers, even Chrome! That's cool.
- It's MS proprietary.